Managing the various operational processes behind Life Insurance

Key messages
  • Swiftly adapting to a shifting scope
  • Seizing opportunities to reinvent the workspace
  • Maintaining business continuity at all times

TriFinance has been asked for urgent assistance on Group Insurance for Large Accounts. Two of our consultants were assigned to this mission.

A shifting scope

In 2020 the client - one of the leading insurance companies in Belgium - started managing a new account with more than 20.000 employees. To manage the group insurances for this account’s employees, the client needed our temporary support to help it launch the process and be able to absorb the additional volumes. However, due to a delay in receiving the necessary data for handling the new contracts, we were instead assigned to help the team Life Large Accounts in running the daily business and reducing the existing backlog. Our main tasks included the liquidation of group insurances in case of life and death, changes of beneficiaries and the management of contract extensions.

Our primary concern was business continuity, while delivering qualitative work and achieving the business objectives.

Naira Hakobyan

Adapting to changing requirements

Due to the new and operational scope of the project, our biggest challenge was to broaden our knowledge of the Belgian pension system and group insurance in order to manage more technical key parts of the job, such as the legal framework and tax aspects.

Another challenge was to perform the mission remotely. We worked from home full time, which was an unusual experience. Despite this remote onboarding, the start-up, training, and integration in the team went smoothly. Even if remote working can complicate the collaboration with stakeholders, we rather considered this situation as an opportunity to reinvent our workplace: agility and a digital mindset were crucial for both sides.

From theory to practice to evolution

After two weeks of intensive onboarding, we successfully managed to put theory into practice. We were quickly involved and rapidly able to work independently in the day-to-day business and to have a steady work rhythm. Business continuity, while delivering qualitative work and helping the client achieve his business objectives remained our primary concern during this assignment. We also proactively proposed to assume new responsibilities while taking over new operational processes to tackle. All this resulted in positive feedback from the client, who most of all valued our work ethics and assessed our work to be dedicated, quick, and correct.

We proactively proposed to assume new responsibilities while taking over new operational processes to tackle.

Marie Vandoorne

A long and trustworthy relationship

It was the long and trustworthy relationship that made the client choose for Trifinance. We have a solid business expertise on operational activities in Life Insurance, which is one of their core businesses. Besides, TriFinance is also recognized for having the capacity to provide swift and optimal operational solutions to absorb seasonal peaks and rapidly kill existing backlogs while proposing possible room for improvement.

A win-win deal

When starting this mission we expected to expand our expertise in Life Insurance in general, and in group insurances in particular. We also wanted to be to further our expertise in the related operational processes and tools. In addition, working remotely was an opportunity to improve our skills, especially our capacity to empower, going the extra mile and to act as a business partner through open and direct communication. At the same time the client could easily rely on us, maintaining a perfect business continuity.

During this mission, we managed to expand our business expertise on life insurance while enabling the client to successfully manage an operational peak. Let’s call this a win-win deal!