
Combating burnout with Job Demand-resources theory and workplace buffers

6 March 2024
Jasper Van Gils HD business consultant at CFO Services, TriFinance Connect on Linkedin

In today's fast-paced work environment, burnout has become an increasingly common problem. Job-related stress, exhaustion, and a sense of disengagement can take a toll on employees' physical and mental well-being.

One valuable framework for understanding and combating burnout is the Job Demand-Resources (JD-R) Theory. This blog will explore three things:

  • the JD-R Theory,
  • the importance of integrating buffers like social support, recognition, and autonomy in the workplace based on the theory,
  • how TriFinance puts this into practice.

Understanding Job Demand-Resources (JD-R) Theory

The Job Demand-Resources Theory, developed by Dutch organizational psychologists Wilmar Schaufeli and Arnold Bakker, is a widely recognized framework that helps explain the relationship between job characteristics and employee well-being. It suggests that every task in your job can be divided into two categories: job demands and job resources.

Job Demands: These are aspects of the job that require physical or psychological effort and may lead to stress, such as high workloads, time pressure, and conflicting responsibilities.

Job Resources: These are elements in the work environment that help employees cope with job demands and stimulate personal growth, such as social support, autonomy, and opportunities for skill development.

Just by identifying personal job demands and resources and being actively aware of them, employees can leverage them into creating a more positive and productive work environment for themselves. This can however only be done efficiently if the organizational structure and culture support this kind of ‘job crafting’.

By constantly challenging our consultants to take on responsibility on their project, but still being there for them with personal and professional feedback, we try to create as many job resources, while keeping a close eye on their job demands

Jasper Van Gils, HD business consultant at CFO Services, TriFinance.

What to do as an organization?

Organizations can play a significant role in preventing burnout by providing key Job Resources that support the job demand-resources model, and by extension, their employees. If these buffering actions are embedded in your company culture, they will make sure your company remains a healthy place to work. There are lots of different ways to do this, but some of the most important ones are:

  • Social Support: Foster a supportive workplace culture where employees feel comfortable seeking help and sharing their concerns. Encourage teamwork, offer mentoring programs, and establish a culture of empathy and understanding.
  • Autonomy: Empower employees by allowing them to have more control over their work. Granting autonomy can enhance job satisfaction, increase motivation, and reduce stress. It also enables individuals to tailor their job tasks to their strengths and preferences.
  • Skill Development: Provide opportunities for skill development and growth. Encouraging employees to acquire new skills or take on challenging projects can foster a sense of accomplishment and personal growth.
  • Flexibility: Offer flexible work arrangements, such as remote work or flexible hours, when feasible. This allows employees to balance their work and personal lives more effectively, reducing stress and burnout.

TriFinance: putting theory into practice

In a network organization like TriFinance, our offices are a constant hub of people coming and going. Consultants finishing one project and starting the next, different units with different focuses, business managers off to their next client visit… To ensure well-being in such a context, it is crucial to encourage an open and supportive workplace culture where employees feel comfortable seeking help and sharing their concerns. That’s why we deeply understand the importance of providing support without creating a constant sense of micromanagement.

In our project structures, we avoid micromanagement, allowing consultants to work independently while ensuring a reliable support system in place. Each consultant is paired with a mentor, a Human Development professional and a Business Development expert, creating a multifaceted Social Support network, with immediate access to guidance and feedback when needed. We even provide internal or external coaching for people who seek to (drastically) change their career. We firmly believe that this structure helps people to find their individual job demands and job resources.

Moreover, our consultants have the opportunity to choose projects that align with their personal interests and career goals, fostering a sense of autonomy and ownership over their work. This approach ensures that consultants have the autonomy to excel in their roles, enhances their job satisfaction but also contributes to continuous skill development. All crucial resources to combat burnout, according to the JD-R model.

The Job Demand-Resources Theory provides a valuable framework for understanding and addressing burnout in the workplace. On an individual level, employees can identify job demands and resources, taking steps to balance their workload and reduce stress. At the organizational level, integrating buffers like social support, recognition, and autonomy can create a healthier work environment that promotes well-being and job satisfaction.