
Inne Vermeiren: 'Being at the wheel of change gives me great satisfaction.'

In a nutshell
  • Inne on her project experiences within Financial institutions

  • Challenging projects with a focus on Enterprise Transformation

  • Being at the helm of change at banks and insurance companies

After working at a bank for several years, Inne made the switch to TriFinance five years ago. Within 'Financial Institutions' she does projects in Business Analysis, Project Management and Change Management, with an interest in digital transformation & innovation.

Describe yourself in two sentences.

I am a social person and enjoy nice trips with friends and family. Furthermore, I like to go out in nature and can completely lose myself in a good book.

Tell us a little more about the course of your career.

I started my career at a bank where I worked for several years as an application manager. Since I wanted to broaden my knowledge of the financial world, I made the move to TriFinance five years ago. In the consulting role I got the chance to get to know different companies and roles in a short time, which also allowed me to shape my career better.

I also enjoy starting somewhere as an external consultant and building a real partnership with the customer. It gives me satisfaction to be part of a team, but still be able to bring my external perspective.

In addition to customer assignments, I also took the opportunity to contribute to several initiatives within TriFinance. For example, I participated in the internal Transformation & Project Management working group and am a mentor for other TriFinance colleagues.

Inne Vermeiren, Project Consultant @ TriFinance
Inne Vermeiren, Project Consultant @ TriFinance

What projects have you already completed at TriFinance?

The type of projects within 'Financial Institutions' is very broad. My focus is mainly on Enterprise Transformation: I started my first project as application manager in an insurance company, where I made the bridge between Business and IT. In the next project I was part of a TriFinance team where we worked out an optimization project for the closing processes of a bank at group level.

In the projects that followed, I worked on major transformations and digitalization within banks, where I was part of guiding the change in my role as PMO and Project Manager. Stakeholder management and a good view of the "end-to-end" story were crucial here. Being part of these types of assignments gives me great satisfaction, as you are at the wheel of change. Banks and insurers still often have a "stuffy" image, but nothing could be further from the truth. They invest in every possible way to offer the best possible customer experience, making full use of new technologies (Cloud, Artificial Intelligence, etc.) within a strictly regulated framework. A transformation project combines all these domains, which is very inspiring. The human aspect, making sure everyone is on board and offering the right tools to deal with change, is also very important.

My last project was a business analysis assignment where I had to create an action plan to optimize finance processes for reinsurance. Applying methodologies combined with getting to know a new business domain (reinsurance in this case), are for me the ideal cocktail for a successful assignment.

On a personal level, I would like to make further strides in a sustainable lifestyle.

Inne Vermeiren, Project Consultant @ TriFinance

Where do you want to be in five years?

I hope to be working on similar projects as I am doing today, but with broader knowledge and expertise. In the coming years, I would also like to continue working on people management & leadership skills.

On a personal level, I would like to take further steps towards a sustainable lifestyle. Making conscious choices in the purchases I make and reducing my ecological footprint wherever possible. It would be great if I could be an inspiration to others!

If you could convince someone to become your new colleague in one sentence, what would that sentence be?

Challenging projects combined with a personal approach ensure that you get out of your comfort zone every time and continue to grow.

  • Take time to reflect on what energizes you, and what your goals are.
  • Tap into your TriFinance network for inspiration and guidance.
  • Benefit from the advantages of a consultant: you can try out many different assignments in a short period of time.
  • Don't forget to come to our TriFinance events, fun guaranteed!

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