
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Your challenges

  • Eliminate intellectually less challenging and repetitive tasks
  • Free up people’s time for value-adding work
  • Reduce errors, lower costs, improve compliance

Our holistic, process-first and people-driven approach to RPA focuses on automating routine processes, lowering costs and freeing up time for your employees to focus on value-added tasks.

People and their robot co-workers

Many business processes are error-prone, often resulting in high costs for limited value creation. Employees spend 80 percent of their time on intellectually less challenging, operational, repetitive activities and only 20 percent on value-adding, challenging tasks. Customers expect 24/7, fast and personalized service and support, a demand that is hard to meet for many companies because of their current (process) organization.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) can remedy that, especially when combined with a holistic, process-first and people-driven approach.

RPA refers to both ‘attended’ software bots which run on the desktop and assist people with repetitive tasks, and ‘unattended’ bots that operate stand-alone, automatically executing tasks in the background.

In this context RPA is also sometimes referred to as ‘digital labor’ or the ‘digital workforce’. Software robots are virtual employees that process large amounts of data in a very short period of time and can easily replace the ‘human interface’ dealing with multiple applications. Essentially, they are your people’s co-workers.

Our holistic, process-first and people-driven approach

TriFinance advises and supports clients in transforming their labor force by implementing RPA technology, furthering people and helping companies to improve their organizational performance.

We use RPA to leverage our furthering people proposition, freeing your people from less interesting repetitive actions. Developing their skills to achieve their goals, ambitions and aspirations will increase your people’s job satisfaction and strengthen their engagement. Happier and more satisfied and engaged employees pay more attention to client needs and customer experience.

Focusing on the end-to-end process, the TriFinance RPA approach is essentially holistic and transformational. It aims at continuous improvement, process optimization and redesign, and a gradual extension of the number of processes in scope.

By focusing on continuous improvement in our RPA implementations, we work towards overall operational excellence. Our approach aims at installing a continuous improvement cycle in which robots help to

  • Create strategic, value-adding, analytical tasks for employees
  • Simplify and optimize processes, making them sustainable, stable, scalable and less complex
  • Speed up processes, improving their accuracy and enhancing their quality
  • Make processes auditable for lowered risk and increased control
  • Improve customer satisfaction
  • Reduce costs of non value-adding processes

Multiple studies show that the average payback period of an investment in RPA is often less than 6 months.

TriFinance RPA Service offering

Depending on the maturity level of your organization’s RPA development, the following services are available to meet your demands:

RPA Discovery

TriFinance offers several types of awareness and alignment workshops and maturity assessments to discover RPA potential in your organization.

RPA Vendor Selection

As we are independent of any software vendor and are experienced in vendor and tool selection, we can support you in the selection of the right software. We assist in defining the requirements, setting up demo sessions, and scoring and contracting vendors.

RPA Proof of Concept

In co-creation with TriFinance, you take the first steps in RPA. We help to script, configure and test the robots, propose process improvements, and work out business cases. All steps of our RPA approach are covered and validated within your company.

RPA Roadmap Execution

After a successful proof of concept or pilot, we bring the robotized process into production. As specialists in Finance, Risk, Operations & IT we can help you in defining process improvements as well. We set up a funnel, defining the criteria for future process selection (pipeline management) and business requirements.

We involve our colleagues from TriTechnology to ensure alignment with IT, set up infrastructure and architecture, migrate processes from attended to unattended robots and break down the silos between different business functions by organizing ‘RPA ambassador’- trips within your organization.

In the course of an RPA roadmap execution track, we train your employees in using the developed robots, and in programming and adapting RPA scripts themselves.

RPA Governance and Control

Having a large number of robots in different processes within multiple departments requires an organization and governance structure to stay in control. Setting up a ‘Centre of Excellence’ to control the robots that operate processes is certainly good practice. Building on our process governance expertise, we can roll out our RPA governance framework, ensuring that the introduction of RPA at your company happens in a controlled way, preventing for instance ‘shadow IT’ initiatives that are not aligned.

Transformation and Capacity

Overall, we can support our clients in transforming their labor force into a hybrid, more digital labor force consisting of humans and robots by implementing RPA technology.

To support back office functions in Finance, HR, IT, Risk and the mid office functions in Financial Institutions of clients digitizing their processes, we can provide capacity in all sorts of roles to maintain the RPA function in these domains.

RPA Development

Many RPA tools claim only low coding is needed to build intelligent bots. Replacing mundane tasks by bots should be easy and requires not a lot of technical skills. Who would not like to save lots of time with minor efforts?

However, many organizations have complex environments with a mixture of tools and systems. Good insights into the overall architecture of systems and data sources will ensure that bots become reliable, efficient and manageable.

Our approach in bringing RPA, programming, data quality, application development and the use of APIs together, delivers automation that is capable of handling the complexity of any environment while ensuring a high degree of manageability.

Whitepaper RPA

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