System & Software Selection & Design
Your challenges
- Define your business priorities
- Translate business requirements into system requirements
- Find the best software and IT partner to fit your needs
Buying business software is not easy. We structure the entire selection process so you can pick the best software and IT partner for your needs.
Deciding on your own business priorities and requirements
Business are complex, yet they want to be effective and efficient as well. With many conflicting needs arising in different teams, creating one consistent set of business requirements and processes is much harder than it looks.
By interviewing the main stakeholders and adding our profound knowledge of typical mistakes and pitfalls to existing best practices, we help you to decide on what you really want from your future system.
TriFinance can organize the entire software selection process for you to pick the best software and IT partner for your needs.
Translating business requirements into data and system requirements
Operational managers and employees may know very well what they need, but they usually do not have the experience to design the best solution from a data or system perspective.
On the other hand, IT specialists usually lack business insights to create a system that will actually help to improve business performance and value creation.
We act as translators between the business and IT, adding our own deep subject matter expertise to create a data and system design that works efficiently and that will produce actionable reports and insights.
Finding the best software and IT partner to fit your needs
Any standard software vendor demo will give you the impression that all your problems will be solved by the tool in question. In reality, it will not, and you need to dig deeper.
TriFinance will help you to scan the software market, create a shortlist of applications and partners, and organize demos that will uncover the true strengths and weaknesses of each party.
Based on your business, we help you to create good demo scripts and demo data that the software vendors must use. This will show how a system behaves in real life, outside of a demo environment. You will be able to accurately compare different parties in detail so that you can make the best choice possible, based on price and functionality.
Who will support you
Our specific subject-matter expertise, industry knowledge and pragmatic advisory methodologies are delivered by CFO Services, and MI&S.
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